Simplify, Clarify, Amplify

Simplify, Clarify, Amplify
Ah, the simple pleasures of life: lemonade on the porch, family reunions, watching your kids splash in the pool on a hot summer day.
While this kind of easygoing existence sounds like pure bliss, it takes real effort to strip away the busyness of modern-day life so you can actually be able to enjoy it.

But once you’ve refined your lifestyle to the low-stress existence you deserve, what’s next?

In the bestselling book, Oola: Find Balance in an Unbalanced World, there are strategies for de-stressing the critical parts of your life so you can identify your ultimate life purpose and build an extraordinary future from there.

I think of their plan in three words: simplify, clarify, amplify:
• Simplify your lifestyle, relationships, finances and career.
• Clarify your extraordinary life purpose: that passionate pursuit you were put on this planet to do.
• Amplify your skills, opportunities and activities to answer the unique calling that’s been put on your life.

If calming the chaos and pursuing your dream lifestyle is a priority for you, we should talk privately. In fact, I’ve joined forces with Dr. Dave and Dr. Troy to bring my followers the Oola formula via a 10-week coaching experience designed to help you break through busyness and transform your life, your finances, your relationships and more. Text me at 570-575-3077 and we can jump on a call about it.
Then stay tuned for the next few weeks for even more ways to create your amazing life . . . Oola style.

Are you living the best version or vision of yourself?

Are you living the best version or vision of yourself?

Let's face it, living the best version of yourself is simply settling or perhaps tolerating what is happening in the now.

Your ultimate goal should be the best VISION of your body, mind, and spirit.

When we dream of a lifestyle we desire, we dream about who we envision ourselves to be!

So why do we continue to tolerate and settle?

Because it's easy to get lost in the day-to-day grind as we juggle things like work, relationships, exercise, family, and sleep. And, of course, emotional well-being.

With that said, juggling all of the above is inevitable. In essence, a balanced life means balancing all aspects of your life.

"Life balance is a commitment to a lifelong journey of achieving the most solid and authentic 'VISION' of oneself."

So how does one find life balance to create the authentic vision of not only themselves but the life they desire to live: 

  • Learn to say "no" to what doesn't fit your vision.
  • Take inventory and be present in understanding where you stand right now.
  • Get needed sleep to be energized and find daily clarity and joy in life.
  • Find peace by accepting things you can not change.
  • Prioritize brain health - feed your mind with positive, daily personal development. 
  • Be intentional with your why, values, and health.
  • Spend time with people who bring out your best qualities.
  • Make a decision, write it down as "I am" statements, and then read aloud every morning.

All of the above are tips on creating balance for overall health, emotional well-being, and desired lifestyle.

"The space to live in is not...'I'll try.' It's 'I've decided.' -Oprah Winfrey

Lastly, don't forget to celebrate your progress and wins in becoming a more accurate and authentic vision of you!  You deserve to celebrate!

Why don't we take better care of ourselves so we can maintain a healthy balanced lifestyle?

Why don't we take better care of ourselves so we can maintain a healthy balanced lifestyle?

Pretty much everything we use daily needs maintenance to keep it running smoothly and efficiently for peak performance!

Things like vehicles, smartphones, computers, exercise equipment, and household appliances need maintenance.  

If we make sure all these things above are maintained, why don't we take better care of ourselves so we can maintain a healthy balanced lifestyle? This is a proactive approach to preventing yourself from getting overwhelmed. When you're overwhelmed, it's easy to feel negative, stressed, depressed, low energy, amongst other things. 

Most importantly, our mind, body, and energy malfunction when we are overwhelmed and unbalanced.

 "The soul usually knows what to do to heal itself. The challenge is to silence the mind." - Caroline Myss

I've got ten strategies that have the potential to turn you into the most balanced, productive person you know:

  1. Keep away from toxic people who can erode your quality of life.
  2. Put electronics away from your bed at night as they interfere with sleep quality. Enjoy a sleep tea to encourage relaxation. 
  3. Express daily gratitude and appreciation for what you have in the now.
  4. Stay organized to avoid procrastination - this gives you spare time and helps you not to waste it.
  5. Genuinely take ME time to do the things that help you recharge and regain focus on what matters.
  6. Remember it's OK to say the word "NO" so you don't find yourself in a state of overwhelm.
  7. Set goals that are realistic to stay on track and not get discouraged.
  8. Make sure you are consistently learning so you can keep on the right track mentally and physically.
  9. Yearly doctor visits, daily exercise, and taking the necessary supplements to support weight, sleep, and immunity will change your overall health for a better you.
  10. Keep a journal to brain dump and prioritize your main objectives in life and business. 

 Creating habits for a balanced lifestyle recharges our minds, bodies and maintains healthy work performance for success in life and business. 

I hope these ten suggestions resonate with you and will help you to achieve your greatness within!

Photo by Jared Rice on Unsplash

Get a coach or counselor to change the narrative

Get a coach or counselor to change the narrative
So this is the final part of the series on the internal narrative.  Dr. Kuna and I talk briefly about having a coach or counselor.

If you would like to see if coaching is right for you contact me 

Renee Arledge


Changing the narrative with Oola

Changing the narrative with Oola
Join me again on the couch with Dr. John Kuna to talk about changing the internal narrative with Oola.

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