Pretty much everything we use daily needs maintenance to keep it running smoothly and efficiently for peak performance!
Things like vehicles, smartphones, computers, exercise equipment, and household appliances need maintenance.
If we make sure all these things above are maintained, why don't we take better care of ourselves so we can maintain a healthy balanced lifestyle? This is a proactive approach to preventing yourself from getting overwhelmed. When you're overwhelmed, it's easy to feel negative, stressed, depressed, low energy, amongst other things.
Most importantly, our mind, body, and energy malfunction when we are overwhelmed and unbalanced.
"The soul usually knows what to do to heal itself. The challenge is to silence the mind." - Caroline Myss
I've got ten strategies that have the potential to turn you into the most balanced, productive person you know:
- Keep away from toxic people who can erode your quality of life.
- Put electronics away from your bed at night as they interfere with sleep quality. Enjoy a sleep tea to encourage relaxation.
- Express daily gratitude and appreciation for what you have in the now.
- Stay organized to avoid procrastination - this gives you spare time and helps you not to waste it.
- Genuinely take ME time to do the things that help you recharge and regain focus on what matters.
- Remember it's OK to say the word "NO" so you don't find yourself in a state of overwhelm.
- Set goals that are realistic to stay on track and not get discouraged.
- Make sure you are consistently learning so you can keep on the right track mentally and physically.
- Yearly doctor visits, daily exercise, and taking the necessary supplements to support weight, sleep, and immunity will change your overall health for a better you.
- Keep a journal to brain dump and prioritize your main objectives in life and business.
Creating habits for a balanced lifestyle recharges our minds, bodies and maintains healthy work performance for success in life and business.
I hope these ten suggestions resonate with you and will help you to achieve your greatness within!