More Fulfillment in 2022

More Fulfillment in 2022

Are you ready for more fulfillment in the new year?

Look, the past 24 months have been nothing less than discouraging and challenging when it comes to nurturing and empowering ourselves:  Spiritually, Emotionally, Physically.

Primarily because of the negativity we see and hear on social media, news, radio, and the internet as a whole. 

Here's the good news, we can empower ourselves with "mind over matter" positively controlling and influencing our personal and business goals.

Empower "mind over matter" by implementing these 5 tips: 

  1. Use positive language when talking with other people about what is happening in your life to bring abundance instead of fear.
  2. Ongoing self-education with books, online courses, events, podcasts, and coaching, and then creating a habit of applying what you have learned in your daily life.
  3. Encompass the daily habits of people who are the equivalent of your desired mindset and success.
  4. Have kind self-empowerment conversations kind self-talk directly reflects your mindset.
  5. Challenge yourself to step out of your comfort zone to employ and empower a higher mindset.

Indeed, empowering "mind over matter" means training one's mind to operate with purpose in a positive conscientious manner!

In the Live Differently Club we use the Aroma Freedom Technique to help us change the way we think about ourselves and the world around us.  We use essential oils and your own thoughts, emotions and experiences to move your energy from fear and doubt to confidence and motivation.

If you would like to learn more about the Aroma Freedom Technique and what it can do for you, visit the Live Differently Club or set up a 30 minute discovery call.

28 Day Reiki Challenge starts today!

28 Day Reiki Challenge starts today!
Reiki is a Japanese relaxation technique that is over 100 years old.  
It is easy to learn and use everyday for health and wellbeing.
There are three levels of Reiki knowledge.  You do not need to learn all three to successfully use Reiki on yourself and others.

Many who learn Reiki just learn the first level and use it for self healing.
What can you use Reiki for?
Reiki is great to use on yourself to center and ground yourself.  It is effective for those times when you feel uneasy and need to be more relaxed.  It has been used for pain management in over 800 hospitals in the US.  Many of the hospitals have Reiki practitioners as part of their team in multiple departments.
Reiki can also help your creative side and help you to see problems more clearly.
There are so many uses for Reiki.

To learn more check out

Are you a Reiki practitioner?  Do you give yourself Reiki every day?  
If you answered 'Yes' to the first question and 'No' to the second, this challenge is for you!    

Everyday we will be holding each other accountable to give ourselves at least 5 minutes of Reiki a day.  Go for more if you can!  

Leave a post each day.
 How long did you practice,  
What day are you on and What changes are you noticing.   
To join the challenge go to and become a member of the Reiki for Transitions area.

We all deserve 5 minutes of peace and relaxation every day!


Make Space for Something New in '22


For anyone working on getting ahead in 2022, here’s a question: is a new opportunity trying to get your attention? Is it waiting in the wings for you to have enough time, focus, energy, or space in your life for something new?

If you’ve been following my posts, you know that I’m big into getting what you want in the 7 major areas of life. It’s something I learned from Dr. Dave Braun and Dr. Troy Amdahl—human-potential experts behind Oola—the lifestyle formula for creating balance in our unbalanced world.

Whether it’s de-stress your finances, improve your relationships, get healthy, be home with your kids, have more fun, or something else – the Oola formula gives you the steps to get there. 

As a Certified Oola Life Coach, I help clients address what’s not working for them in Oola’s 7 areas: fitness, finance, field (career), family, faith, friends and fun. Then we go to work correcting those stressors and bringing about the lifestyle, relationships and financial security you need to be happy, balanced and growing. It’s all part of the 10-Week Oola coaching experience that I offer to my clients. 

But, hey, first things first: to help you get started on making room for something new, I’ve got a checklist of things to remove, declutter and delete that will transform how you live and how much focus you can dedicate to your goals. Email me, I’ll get a copy right out to you. 

And if the 10-week Oola coaching experience is something you’d like to learn more about, contact me and we can jump on a 30-minute discovery call to explore the idea of working together. Whatever your wish list includes for this year, drop a comment below and share it with us. 

I’m here to help 2022 be a breakthrough year for you.

Design your Dream Life


As 2022 gets underway, have you thought seriously about what “the dream life” looks like for you? 

Is it financial freedom, a beautiful house, supportive relationships . . . or something else entirely? Today, I’d like to help you envision that dream life. In fact, I’d like to help you decide what you want, then talk to you about ways we can bring that about—faster than you ever thought possible. 

To start the process, I have a FREE planning journal for you—simply contact me with your email address and I’ll get this PDF document out to you. 

It’s the Oola “Design Your Dream Life” Planner and inside you’ll find a seven-part exercise that helps you look at every area of your life today, visualizing what you want in the future . . . privately, on your own, with no one checking your plans.

If you’ve been following my posts, you know that I’m big into achieving what you want in the 7 major areas of life. It’s something I learned from Dr. Dave Braun and Dr. Troy Amdahl—bestselling authors of Oola—who teach how to create balance in our unbalanced world.

Now, as a Certified Oola Life Coach, I help clients address what’s not working in the areas of their fitness, their finances, and more via the 10-week Oola coaching experience that I offer to my clients. Together, we’ll go to work correcting the stressors in your life, then work on bringing about the lifestyle, relationships and financial security you need to be happy, balanced and growing.

What could you achieve by focusing on YOUR future? I’m here to help 2022 be a breakthrough year for you.

Design Your Dream Career


As 2022 gets underway, I have a question for you: are you in your right livelihood? Are you in a career you love, doing what you want to do? 

Part of living a balanced, happy life is doing work that inspires and delights you: you’re good at it, you’re needed, and you love everything about the 6-10 hours a day you spend doing it.

Whether it’s working at a local company . . . raising amazing kids as a full-time mom . . . or running your own show with a business you started, if you’re not in your dream career yet, that kind of worklife is worth planning carefully for, then focusing on every day until it’s achieved.

Through coaching all kinds of people, I’ve discovered that career upgrades and business-building are two of the best goals to work on with a life coach. Without family pressure, opinions, or judgment, we can look at what YOU really want and how you might transition—safely and sensibly—into a situation that’s far better than the one you’re in now.

Comment below and tell me about YOUR dream career.

To help you decide what you want—not just in your career, but in every major area of your life, I have a FREE planning journal for you. Simply message me and request your copy. 

It’s called the “Oola Life Planner” and inside you’ll find a 7-part exercise that helps you look at every area of your life today (and in the future).

Visualizing, then planning, your dream life is something I learned from Dr. Dave Braun and Dr. Troy Amdahl—bestselling authors of Oola—who teach how to create balance in our unbalanced world.

Now, as a Certified Oola Life Coach, I help clients address what’s not working in the areas of their fitness, their finances, and more via the 8-week Build your Best Life experience that I offer to my clients. Together, we’ll go to work correcting the stressors in your life, then work on bringing about the lifestyle, relationships and financial security you need to be happy, balanced and growing.

Message me and see if it coaching is right for you. We’ll talk about how coaching works to improve careers, businesses, full-time parenting—even pursuing volunteer or church work. 

You deserve to have the career of your dreams. Let’s make 2022 a breakthrough year for you.

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