More Fulfillment in 2022

Are you ready for more fulfillment in the new year?

Look, the past 24 months have been nothing less than discouraging and challenging when it comes to nurturing and empowering ourselves:  Spiritually, Emotionally, Physically.

Primarily because of the negativity we see and hear on social media, news, radio, and the internet as a whole. 

Here's the good news, we can empower ourselves with "mind over matter" positively controlling and influencing our personal and business goals.

Empower "mind over matter" by implementing these 5 tips: 

  1. Use positive language when talking with other people about what is happening in your life to bring abundance instead of fear.
  2. Ongoing self-education with books, online courses, events, podcasts, and coaching, and then creating a habit of applying what you have learned in your daily life.
  3. Encompass the daily habits of people who are the equivalent of your desired mindset and success.
  4. Have kind self-empowerment conversations kind self-talk directly reflects your mindset.
  5. Challenge yourself to step out of your comfort zone to employ and empower a higher mindset.

Indeed, empowering "mind over matter" means training one's mind to operate with purpose in a positive conscientious manner!

In the Live Differently Club we use the Aroma Freedom Technique to help us change the way we think about ourselves and the world around us.  We use essential oils and your own thoughts, emotions and experiences to move your energy from fear and doubt to confidence and motivation.

If you would like to learn more about the Aroma Freedom Technique and what it can do for you, visit the Live Differently Club or set up a 30 minute discovery call.