Design your Dream Life


For too many people, the “dream life” seems so far away . . . impossible . . . something they’ll never attain. When life is chaotic, unhealthy, overburdened with debt, and filled with toxic relationships that are a constant source of stress, there’s simply no bandwidth left to work on creating the life you want. 

The life you’re living right now keeps getting in the way of your future.

But what if I told you there’s a system for creating the awe-inspiring life you want? It’s a series of steps that quickly brings about the balance and stability you need in order to start going for your dreams. That dream life you want could be just a few short months away. In fact, I’d like to help you decide what you want, write it down, and talk about ways to bring it about—faster than you ever thought possible. 

To start the process, I have a FREE planning journal for you—simply message me and request your copy. It’s called the “Oola Life Planner” and inside you’ll find a 7-part exercise that helps you look at every area of your life today . . . privately, on your own, with no one checking your answers.

If you’ve been following my posts, you know that I’m big into achieving what you want in the 7 major areas of life. It’s something I learned from Dr. Dave Braun and Dr. Troy Amdahl—bestselling authors of Oola—who teach how to create balance in our unbalanced world.

Now, as a Certified Oola Life Coach, I help clients address what’s not working in the areas of their fitness, their finances, and more via the 8-week Build your Best Life Program that I offer to my clients. Together, we’ll go to work correcting the stressors in your life, then work on bringing about the lifestyle, relationships and financial security you need to be happy, balanced and growing.

What could you achieve by focusing on YOUR future? I’m here to help 2022 be a breakthrough year for you

Better health, financial sanity and greater well-being in 2022? Here’s how.


If you were like the millions of people who were anxious about the pandemic in 2021, wondering what the future looked like, and focused on simply getting through your day, it’s likely that your stress was higher, commitments were greater, and self-care took a backseat to other priorities.

2022, however, is a new opportunity to work on becoming balanced, happy and growing in your overall well-being. Whether your goals are better health, financial sanity, a more fulfilling career, a loving marriage, or something else, the Build Your Best Life Program I deliver is designed to bring about the abundance, happiness and improvement you want. 

As a coach, I not only help people create a plan for achieving their goals in major life categories like fitness, finances, and field (career), I also make sure they’re accountable to taking daily action—the only thing that will get you closer to the life you deserve.

As this year winds down, why not give yourself the gift of Oola Coaching and make 2022 a standout year?

A 30-minute discovery call is all you need to explore the idea of working together on your goals. Email me back with some times that fit your schedule. Or sign up for the Build Your Best Life Program starting January 4th.

I’m here to help make 2022 a breakthrough year for you.

Here’s how to give yourself the gift of life balance in 2022


It’s gift-giving season. But have you thought about a gift you could give YOURSELF that would make 2022 a transformational year for you? Maybe it’s eliminating the stress of debt, getting healthy again, changing careers, or simply organizing your life to lessen the overwhelm.

If you’ve gotten my emails before, you know that I’m big into calming the chaos and achieving what you want in the 7 major areas of life. It’s something I learned from Dr. Dave Braun and Dr. Troy Amdahl—bestselling authors of Oola—who teach how to create balance in our unbalanced world.

Now, as a Certified Oola Life Coach, I help clients address what’s not working for them in the areas of fitness, finance, field (career), family, faith, friends and fun. Then we go to work correcting those stressors and bringing about the lifestyle, relationships and financial security you need to be happy, balanced and growing.

2022: What’s Your Gift to YOU?

How will you start prioritizing your own goals and needs next year? Do you want to work less, earn more, stay home with the kids, say “no” more often, improve your marriage, go on exciting adventures, practice more self-care, or something else? 

Whatever you goals, the Oola formula gives you the steps to get there. The key is to decide where you need to make changes, write out your wish list, and start taking small steps every day toward your breakthrough goal. It’s a three-step process that’s part of the 8-week Build Your Best Life with Oola program that I deliver to my clients.

Whatever your wish list includes for next year, let’s jump on a 30-minute discovery call to explore the idea of working together on your 2022 goals. Email me back with some times that fit your schedule. 

I’m here to help make 2022 a breakthrough year for you.

Want less stress and more fulfillment in your career in 2022?


Holiday time can be stressful. There’s always so much to do, and in your work life, it seems like the holidays impose even more deadlines than usual. 

Whether you work for someone else, have your own business, or parent full-time with a side hustle for extra cash, have you thought about how you could achieve less stress, more fulfillment, and more growth in your career path?

Being in your right livelihood is critical to your happiness. And getting your career on solid footing will lower your stress, open your mind for growth, and help you find your ultimate life purpose.

And when it comes to your career—the occupation or calling that takes up 8-10 hours of your day—facing what’s not working often leads people to create new goals (including a major breakthrough goal that would uplevel their work life and bring new-found energy to everything they do).

As a Certified Oola Life Coach. I’m here to help you focus on getting what you want by eliminating the stressors and pursuing new opportunities with confidence. In fact, you can make massive progress in just 10 weeks with the Oola Coaching Program.

To jump on a 30-minute discovery call about it and explore the idea of working together on your 2022 career goals, email me back with some times that fit your schedule. Or check out the Build Your Best Life with Oola Program that starts in January for details. 

I’m here to help make 2022 a breakthrough year for you.

Here's how to calm the chaos and find financial sanity in 2022


Think back to January. Did your finances improve over the last 11 months? For many people, their financial life was overwhelming. And extra stressors like debt, secret spending, and fights about money often affected their relationships. 

It doesn’t have to be this way. 

In fact, you can give YOURSELF the gift of better finances in 2022 by becoming free from debt, improving your earnings, and investing for the future.

When I first started working with human-potential experts Dr. Dave Braun and Dr. Troy Amdahl to become a Certified Life Coach, I discovered that their Oola formula has over a million followers in 43 countries. Story after story appeared on their Facebook page of people who had hit major financial goals. Some paid off over $100,000 in debt, got better-paying jobs, or moved into their dream house.

Here’s what else you could make happen in 2022 with the Oola formula:

• A budget that lets you pay the bills, save for the future, and still have fun (yes, it’s possible)

• Seven months’ worth of living expenses in an emergency fund that’s ready when disaster strikes

• Student loans, mortgages, credit card balances – all debt paid off (for real)

• A solid estate plan with your will, trust or other documents completely handled and tucked away

• A healthy retirement fund with prudent investments that let you jump ship sooner than you think

• Money for fun . . . and for life’s coolest adventures

Whatever steps would change YOUR finances for the better in 2022, why not consider working with me privately to set financial goals and take action on your most important objectives? Or join the group program starting January 4th:  Build Your Best Life program 

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