Trusting and Forgiving Yourself

Today, I want to chat about something close to our hearts but often far from our minds – the art of trusting and forgiving ourselves. The journey through life is punctuated with lessons, some of which can lead to feelings of guilt, regret, or self-doubt. But what if I told you that there's a way to rewrite your internal narrative, to remove those barriers that hold you back from healing and flourishing? Exciting, right? 

First off, it's important to recognize that trusting and forgiving yourself are acts of profound courage and love. They allow you to acknowledge your past, embrace the present, and look forward to the future with hope. When we harbor negative feelings towards ourselves, it's like walking through life with invisible shackles. These feelings can prevent us from realizing our full potential and experiencing joy and fulfillment.

Reiki, a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing, can be a beautiful way to start this journey of self-trust and forgiveness. It works on the principle of energy flow through the body. When our emotional or energy pathways are blocked due to past trauma or negative experiences, it can hinder our growth and wellness. Reiki helps in releasing these blockages, promoting harmony and balance within. As you experience the gentle energy of Reiki, it's an opportunity to connect with your inner self, to listen and understand your needs, fears, and desires more deeply. This connection can be a powerful step towards trusting yourself and your journey.

Pairing beautifully with Reiki is the Aroma Freedom Technique, a revolutionary approach that combines the power of scent with intentional focus to help you break through internal barriers. AFT utilizes the profound impact of essential oils on the limbic system (the emotional part of our brain) to release negative thoughts, feelings, and memories that hold us back. By inhaling specific oils while focusing on positive intentions and affirmations, you can create a new narrative for yourself—one of confidence, healing, and self-compassion.

Imagine a moment of feeling stuck, held down by old beliefs like "I'm not good enough" or "I can’t move past this." Now, imagine using a beautifully scented oil, breathing in deeply, and gently guiding your thoughts towards forgiveness and self-trust. It's not just imagination; it's a practical and sensory journey towards liberation from those limiting beliefs.

Embarking on this pathway of self-forgiveness and trust through Reiki and the Aroma Freedom Technique isn't a one-time fix. It's a beautiful journey of continuous growth, learning, and loving yourself more deeply each day. Remember, every step forward is a step towards the incredible potential that lies within you.

If you're curious about incorporating these techniques into your journey of self-healing, I'm here to guide you. Whether it’s selecting the right essential oils to support your emotional wellbeing or exploring how Reiki can bring balance and peace into your life, you don’t have to walk this path alone.

Remember, my dear, forgiving and trusting yourself is one of the most beautiful gifts you can offer to your being. It's about coming home to yourself, recognizing your worth, and embracing the light within you, flaws and all. Let’s take this step together, shall we?  Reach out to me at Live Differently.Club

Sending you light, love, and a sprinkle of lavender-scented courage!


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