Don't Like Your Numbers?
Did you know? It’s impossible to create your dream future without knowing where you are now. When I coach people in achieving goals in all 7 major life categories, one of the first things we do is find out where they are now.

Just like using your smartphone’s Maps app to get directions, the first thing that shows up is where you’re at this moment—represented by a little blue dot. Plug in your destination, and your smartphone will give you directions to your desired endpoint. 

Getting from where you are now to where you want to be is the key objective when I work with clients during the 8-week Build Your Best Life Program. Using this outstanding lifestyle formula, we assess where you are in the 7 major areas of life—fitness, finance, family, field (career), faith, friends and fun—then we go to work improving your life in every area. 

Let’s look at just one of The 7 F’s: fitness. 
On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate your health, fitness habits, self-care and mental wellbeing? If you answer “1,” that means low/bad/least true, while answering “10” means “high/good/most true”:
• I would rate my current health     ____
•    How close am I to my ideal weight?     ____
•    I would rate my overall mental health     ____
•    I do 3+ cardio/resistance sessions a week     ____
•    How hard do I push myself during exercise?     ____
•    I am active outside of exercise sessions     ____
•    I practice relaxation daily     ____
•    I love my life and have little stress     ____
•    My meals are nutrient-rich and contain the 
    proper calories for my body     ____
•    I eat a balanced diet and avoid processed 
    foods and fast food     ____

So? How did you do in your Fitness assessment? If you didn’t like your numbers, start planning some changes you can achieve during the rest of 2022. There’s still time. In fact, the 8-week Build Your Best Life Program is the best formula I’ve discovered for getting back on track with your health and making solid gains toward your future.

Message me about coaching, and let’s work together over the next three months to transform your life for good. I’ll be your biggest cheerleader and most supportive guide to getting there.

Photo by Diana Polekhina via Unsplash


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