Don't Let Poor Health Be Another Stress Point
Are you confident about your health and fitness? Not surprisingly, well-being is something that most people take for granted . . . until a personal health crisis (or global pandemic) delivers the ultimate wake-up call. 

If you’re unsure whether your immune system is healthy enough to ward off something serious . . . or if working at home has you feeling inactive and sluggish . . . or if you suddenly realized it’s been years since you went to the gym, said no to sugar, took important vitamins, or even went for an annual physical – hey, you’ve got some work to do!

Maintaining a healthy, active body – at the right weight – with good mental well-being just makes life better. In fact, you can’t live “the good life” if your health is a stress factor for you.

If you were going through the transformational Build Your Best Life Program with me, what would your fitness goals look like? Here are some ideas:
• A nutrient-dense, lower-calorie diet: clean protein, fresh vegetables, fruit, healthy fats, no added sugar
• Annual physical exam + current on age-specific tests
• Daily exercise including good old-fashioned walking
• Ease of movement and a pain-free body
• Plenty of filtered water to drink + minimal caffeine
• Mental well-being solid: joyful, happy, growing
• Ideal weight and body composition
• Healthy sleep patterns and adequate rest
• Annoying health conditions diagnosed and handled

If you’re uncertain about your fitness level and need some help making goals (and staying accountable to achieving them), why not message me about scheduling a free, 30-minute exploratory call to discuss what coaching can do for you? Less stress, more balance, and greater life purpose is what the Oola lifestyle taught me, and it’s what I help others do as an Oola Life Coach.


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