Take Inventory
Do your big life goals take more money than you’ve got? 
For the month of May, I’m challenging you to work on improving your finances so you can crush those life goals you’re dreaming about. While soaring inflation means times are tough for lots of people, you CAN be on the road to better financial wellbeing. 

Taking inventory is the key to creating “wins” like paying off a car loan or building a $3,000 Emergency Fund.
What does your “financial inventory” look like?

Monthly housing cost: List your rent or mortgage payment (plus taxes and insurance)
Monthly household bills: List your average household expenses (water, electricity, trash, etc.)
Weekly spending: Estimate the amount you spend every week on gasoline, groceries, and shopping
Monthly debt payments: List the creditor, balance due, and minimum monthly payment
Monthly investments & Savings: List by account, with the monthly amount you typically invest 
Emergency Fund Balance: List how much you’ve saved (if any)
Now that you have your list, what can you improve, change, pay off, or eliminate in order to de-stress your financial life? 

More importantly, what’s a major life goal that would be advanced by improving your finances? Drop a comment below and share your goal (plus at least ONE financial step you could take to make it a reality).

As a coach, I not only help people create better financial futures, but I also help them stay accountable to achieving major goals like a more fulfilling career, better health, a loving marriage—the future is endless. In fact, the 8-week Build Your Best Life Coaching Program I deliver is designed to bring about the abundant and fulfilling lifestyle you want.  
Message me and we can jump on a 30-minute discovery call to talk about your goals and a game plan.


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