Free Financial Wellness Planner
Things are tough financially for lots of people. But have you wondered what life would be like if you were sailing through this economy with finances that are solid, a budget you can follow, and greatly reduced debt (or even all your debts paid off)? 

If this economy has been a wake-up call for you . . . if you’re someone who’s been spending too much and saying “I’ll get to it” when it comes to managing your finances . . . I’ve got a way cooler idea:
• A budget that lets you pay the bills, save for the future, and still have fun
• Seven months’ worth of living expenses in an emergency fund that’s ready when disaster strikes
• Student loans, mortgages, credit card balances – all debts paid off 
• A solid estate plan with your will, trust or other documents completely handled and tucked away
• A healthy retirement fund with prudent investments that let you jump ship sooner than you think
• Money for fun . . . and for life’s coolest adventures whenever you want

If your finances aren’t this solid right now, maybe you need some balance. One thing I’ve learned is that financial stress not only robs you of happiness, it negatively impacts family life and takes away choices when it comes to career, fun time, and lifestyle.

So if financial wellbeing is your #1 priority, I can help. I’ve created the 8 week Coaching Program designed to transform your life, your finances, your relationships and more. Message me and we can jump on a free discovery call about it.

Until then, I’ve got a free gift for you: the Oola Financial Wellness Planner to help you define the lifestyle, earnings, investments, and other aspects of the finances you want. To get your copy, message me, I’ll send you this printable PDF document right away. 

Right now, you have a unique opportunity to make 2022 a transformational year, despite the stress, hardship and financial uncertainty around us.
Don't just dream about the ideal life you want. Start living it. Message me now..


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