Is 2022 the Year of the Dream Career?


Are you happy, growing and balanced in your career? Do you need to make changes in 2022? The past two years have been a wake-up call for many people—and not always in a bad way.

For instance, if you were working from home the majority of the time, perhaps you discovered how much you love the calm environment, slower pace, and being there for your kids after school. If you were furloughed or laid off, maybe that gave you pause to think about what you really want. 

Whatever your career wake-up call was this year, why not commit to making 2022 better than ever?

I’ve mentioned The OolaGuys before. Their book and coaching program, Oola: Find Balance in an Unbalanced World, teaches a simple formula for creating a life that’s balanced, happy and growing.  (It truly works!  I have used it myself.

That goes for your work life, too.

To help you achieve balance and meet major career goals in 2022—including income, time off, growth, influence, and more—I’d like to send you a unique planning tool to help you decide what you truly want, message me and I'll get a copy out to you right away.

And if 2022 is your year to transform your career, business, work life or other unique calling, I can help. The 10-week Oola Coaching Program is a game-changer for anyone who wants to live with less stress and more balance, particularly in the area of career.

Of all the things successful people do to accelerate their path to the healthy, balanced and financially secure lifestyle they want, working with a coach is at the top of the list. Message me and we can jump on a 30-minute call to discuss what coaching is like and how it can work for you. 

Together, we can make sure you’re focused on getting what you want and pursuing new opportunities with confidence.

2022 is Coming Up Fast

2022 is Coming Up Fast

Can you believe it? 2021 is almost over. Which makes these final three months of the year your best opportunity to make sure 2022 is more balanced and more abundant.

If you’ve been following my posts, you know that I’m big into getting what you want in the 7 major areas of life. 

As a Certified Oola Life Coach, I help clients address what’s not working for them in the areas of fitness, finance, field (career), family, faith, friends and fun. Then we go to work correcting those stressors and bringing about the lifestyle, relationships and financial security you need to be happy, balanced and growing.

With October here and this whole crazy year almost behind us, why not spend the last three months of it working on making next year better? 

Whether it’s make more money, be home with your kids, improve your marriage, have fun, get healthy, or something else – the Oola formula gives you the steps to get there. The key is to decide where you need to make changes, write out your wish list, and start taking small steps every day toward 2-3 goals at a time. It’s a three-step process that’s part of the 10-Week Oola coaching experience that I offer to my clients. 

And I’ve got a FREE 2022 Life Planner to help you get started on a list of things that will transform how you live—and even who you are as a person. Email me. I’ll get a copy right out to you. 

Whatever your wish list includes for next year, drop a comment below and share it with us. 

The Oola formula can be a big help toward getting there—so if the 10-week Oola coaching experience is something you’d like to pursue as 2021 winds down, message me and we can jump on a 30-minute discovery call to explore the idea of working together on your goals. I’m here to help next year be a breakthrough year for you.

Abundant Career - Passionate Work, New Friendships


Are you happy, growing and balanced in your career? 

Is it providing abundant opportunity to do what you’re most passionate about? Is it rewarding you financially so the other parts of your life can be abundant, too?

This month, I’ve been sharing what it’s like to live abundantly in all 7 major areas of your life: fitness, finances, family, field (career), faith, friends and fun.

For instance, would improving your career let you:

• Enjoy friendships with other like-minded people?

• Earn enough money to get out of debt, buy a house, invest for the future, or reach other financial goals? 

• Improve your marriage and family life?

• Create opportunity for advancement or recognition?

• Work less stressfully and enjoy life more?

Living abundantly isn’t about earning a big salary at a stressful job you hate. It’s creating a meaningful life . . . pursuing work you’re passionate about . . . doing good in the world . . . and bringing along family and friends on the journey with you.

What improvement in YOUR career would be a first step toward living abundantly? Drop a comment below.

Then, message me and we can jump on a 30-minute call to discuss what Oola coaching is like and how it can work for your career and other life categories. 

The 10-week Oola Coaching Program is a game-changer for anyone who wants to live with less stress, more balance, and greater purpose. Together, we can make sure you’re focused on getting what you want and on pursuing new opportunities with confidence. In fact, you can make massive progress in just 10 weeks with the Oola Coaching Program—delivered jointly by The OolaGuys and me. 

Let’s connect today.

Abundant Family - Good Times, More Support


Can I ask you a tough question? When was the last time you said, “My family rocks”? You love every minute of the time you spend together. You even love the chaos: happy explosions of energy from kids and parents who are having fun beyond measure. One day, you’ll look back and say, “Those were the best years of our lives.”

For the past couple of weeks, I’ve been talking about “living abundantly.” And an incredible family life is a big part of that abundance: great experiences, lots of sharing, non-stop support, and off-the-charts joy when you’re together.

But what if your family relationships don’t look so good? If you’ve recently been thinking that your home is a war zone, the kids are out of control, and your marriage is on life support, improving your family relationships should be a major priority for you. 

You CAN lower the stress, create better boundaries, and bring more balance to your family life.

It’s part of living abundantly, after all.

As a Certified Oola Life Coach, I help clients not only create goals across all 7 areas, but also prioritize their tasks and stay accountable to accomplishing them week by week. I’ve joined forces with Dave and Troy to bring my followers the Oola formula via a 10-week coaching experience designed to transform your life, your finances, your family relationships and more. Message me and we can jump on a call about it.

“Living abundantly” means living a well rounded life: less stress, more balance, greater purpose, and family relationships that rock. Shouldn’t we start working on your abundant life soon?

Abundant Finances - Less Stress More Balance


What do you think of when you hear the word “abundance”? For most people, it means having lots of money. But living abundantly is so much more than that. It’s creating a meaningful life . . . pursuing work you’re passionate about . . . doing good in the world . . . and bringing along family and friends on the journey with you.

When I first started working with The OolaGuys to become a Certified Oola Life Coach, I discovered the true meaning of abundance. In fact, looking at Oola’s 7 major areas of life—fitness, finance, family, field (career), faith, friends and fun—I realized it’s actually possible to live abundantly overall.

It’s possible to lower your stress level, find greater balance, discover your life purpose and live an amazing life. Abundant finances are just one part. 

But if they’re the biggest stressor in your life, you’ll love the formula that Oola teaches for calming the chaos in your finances. Their Facebook page is filled with people who hit major financial goals like paying off more than $100,000 in debt, getting better-paying jobs, or moving into their dream house.

It IS possible. So what could abundant finances look like for you?

• All debts paid off, even your mortgage

• Savings that cover 7 months of living expenses

• A $3,000 emergency fund to handle the unexpected

• Planning for monthly expenses with a written budget

• Investing for the future (and even early retirement)

While the above checklist might be a wake-up call, it’s also the first step toward achieving an abundant life overall . . . Oola-style. 

What improvement in YOUR finances would be a first step toward living abundantly? Drop a comment below and share it.

Then, message me and we can jump on a 30-minute call to discuss what Oola coaching is like and how it can work for your finances and other life categories. 

The 10-week Oola Coaching Program is a game-changer for anyone who wants to live with less stress, more balance, and greater purpose. Let’s connect today.

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