Don't Let Laziness Get in the Way of Summer Fun!
In the last blog, I gave you a list of fun things to do before summer ends. That being said, I understand having free fun is not always realistic. Oola blockers, like laziness, can sometimes get in the way of accomplishing even these enjoyable activities we had planned.

How does laziness have an impact on your summer fun? Take a moment to reflect on how and why this might be. Laziness can be due to a number of reasons such as:
  • A lack of motivation or energy
  • Not having a strong support group
  • Not having a clear direction or interests
  • Feeling overwhelmed and using it as a coping mechanism
    No matter the reason, don’t let this get in the way of accomplishing your goals. Life can sometimes be draining, but remember that you deserve to have fun!
  • Below are 5 ways to help you push past laziness, so you can have the most Oola summer ever:
    1. Focus on just a few things at a time 
  • 2. Find your interests
    3. Make your goals manageable
    4. Get active and exercise
    5. Celebrate success and milestones
    If you need help, email me with some days and times that work best for you and me to jump on a 30-minute call to discuss how to make this the best summer ever!


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