Upgrade Your Faith Walk
Are You Clear Why You’re Here?
While most people float through life unaware of their place in the bigger picture, the truth is that you are here for a purpose. There’s a unique calling on your life that requires your attention, and one of the easiest ways to discover your unique purpose is through a greater connection to God—our true source of wisdom and love.

And it’s this connection where you’ll discover your special purpose. It’s where you can say, “Hey, if this is what I’m supposed to be doing, then smooth my path and show me the next steps.” It’s also where you can find answers for the tough stuff that comes up in life.

Of course I’m not here to prescribe any particular religion. But I do know that faith asks us to believe in something bigger than ourselves. So what’s one simple step that will get you connected and practice your faith in a greater way?

Here are some ideas:
• If you don’t have a church home, visit 3-4 before choosing one.
• Try daily meditation. Find recorded sessions online or join one of our live online sessions.
• Set aside time for daily prayer.

Today, I’d like to challenge you to do something to improve your daily faith practice. 

Be grateful, have faith, live your best life!


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