Transform Your Relationships in 2022
Can we talk about a breakthrough goal for 2022 that’s really close to home? Your family is not only your inner circle—the people you should turn to in tough times—but also the people who turn to YOU for the same reason.
One of the toughest things my coaching clients have to work through is a family situation that’s stressful, heartbreaking or simply needs attention.

What breakthrough goal can you make that would substantially improve your family life in 2022?
For instance, would it help to . . .
• Schedule regular date nights with your spouse?
• Have that “difficult conversation” with your aging parent?
• Cook dinner as a family at least three nights this week?
• Establish a calm morning routine for younger children?
• Limit contact with your argumentative brother?

And if you need to improve your family relationships, this should be a major priority in 2022.

As a Certified Oola Life Coach, I help clients not only create goals across all 7 areas of life, but also prioritize their tasks and—most importantly—stay accountable to accomplishing them week by week. Contact me about the Build Your Best Life coaching experience designed to transform your family life, your finances, your relationships and more, and let’s jump on a call about it making 2022 your best year ever.

Photo by Jae Bano via Unsplash


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