Attract Success and Anticipate More to be Grateful About

For the past few weeks, I’ve been posting about simplifying, clarifying and amplifying your life. And while there are lots of ways to achieve your goals, one of the easiest ways is also the most little-known to people: practicing gratitude.

Being grateful for what you already have helps you feel more abundant, while worrying about what you don’t have keeps you in a mindset of disappointment and lack.

Focusing on what’s good, what’s plentiful, or what’s improving in your world helps keep you in a state to receive even more of what’s good, plentiful, and improving. It’s like you’re saying, This is all cool. What else is out there for me today? It keeps you in a state of anticipation.

Watch for big things to be grateful for, like a phone call that up-levels your career, or randomly discovering your dream house before it goes on the market. Look for little things, like finding a parking space near the entrance, or getting a refund check in the mail. You’ll soon see that opportunities are hidden in every encounter, and that “unexpected” new relationships, happy coincidences, little conveniences and other forms of good routinely show up to make your life easier or more enjoyable—all of which you can be grateful for the moment they happen.

When you meet each new day with the expectation that something amazing is going to happen for you, it keeps you in a state of grateful anticipation—dreaming of what you will have, while also feeling gratitude in the present for what you do have.

Could you use more gratitude, less stress, and more balance in your life? Whether your goals are financial sanity, a more fulfilling career, a loving marriage, or something else, the unique Oola Coaching Program I deliver with bestselling authors and human-potential experts Dave Braun and Troy Amdahl is designed to bring about the abundance, happiness and improvement you want. 

Message me and see if it’s right for you. Or, you can read more about it here. Achieve your best life with Oola Coaching. I would be privileged to work with you in getting there.


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