Essential Oil Help 
When you are tired and cannot sleep I find there is no better way to unwind than with

and a

Diffuse lavender about an hour before you hit the sack or on your nightstand when you go to bed.  If you don't want to use a diffuser, then apply the oil to your chest before bed or on your pillow.

When I am extra exhausted and cannot get the rest I need I use
Lifestyle Resources
This is how I unwind from a full day:

Disconnect from all electronic media one hour before bed time.  That includes, TV, computer, and cell phone. A good book always puts me to sleep!

A nice hot bath or shower can help my body know it is time to relax.  I often use calming bath bombs in my bath or shower like lavender bath bombs or Stress Away bath bombs.

I also avoid caffeine after 5pm.  Instead I use spiced turmeric tea or a Young Living Vitality Drops in my water.
Reiki session
As a Reiki practitioner I can give myself Reiki when I cannot sleep.  I have helped many be able to sleep both on my Reiki table and in their own homes.

Check out my free Reiki Infused Guided meditations on the Upcoming Events page.

If you would like to learn more about how Reiki can help you sleep.  Contact me and we can set up a 30 minute info call.

Let's talk about sleep.