Be Stress Free
Essential Oil Help 
When I am stressed I find there is no better way to unwind than with

stress away
and a
Diffuse Stress Away any time you need to have a moment to relax.  If you don't want to use a diffuser, then apply the oil to your neck or wrists for relief.

When I am extra stressed my shoulders and neck really feel it.  I use
Calm Roll On and Natures Ultra Muscle Rub
Lifestyle Resources
This is how I release stress after a full day:

Exercise!  This really helps to release tension from my 'sitting too much in my chair' aches.  I either do some easy yoga stretches using an Asana App or go for a long walk at a park or in my own neighborhood.  It's a great way to catch up with the neighbors too!

I also avoid caffeine as much a possible during the day.  Instead I use spiced turmeric tea or a Young Living Vitality Drops in my water.  I also enjoy Ningxia Red as an afternoon pick me up.

Another reason I have stress in my life is the idea that I don't have enough time.  To get around this I found if I plan on getting three 'important to me' things done each day and do them first, I feel accomplished. Over time I have learned that I do have time for the things that are important to me.

On Sundays I fill in my calendar for the week ahead with the things I want to accomplish each day.  I don't have to think about it each day.  It's already waiting for me to complete.

Aroma Freedom session
Some days are meant to be celebrated, others simply endured...
As an Aroma Freedom practitioner I can give myself a quick Aroma Reset when I have a day that is simply endured.  It takes a few essential oils and the ability to identify where stress is in my body. I can show you how to do it too if you contact me.  It's super easy!

Aroma Freedom can help with overwhelm, and stress of all kinds.  It's a simple step by step process that helps your energy go from fear and doubt to confidence and motivation. With the help of some essential oils and your own memories and experiences, it changes the way you think about yourself and the world around you.

Check out my free Aroma Freedom Sessions on the Upcoming Events page.

If you feel like a one on one session would be more beneficial than a group session for your situation, contact me and we can set up a 30 minute info call.