Find Balance, Joy and Purpose
Essential Oil Help 
If you want to live differently you need to have a clear vision of where you want to go. To help me find that vision I use Envision or Motivation essential oils.  If I feel like I have a road block I use Release.

I diffuse the oils while I am thinking about the things most important to me in key areas of my life.  Sometimes I just put a few drops in my hands, rub my hands together and breathe them into my thoughts to help the mind relax and the intuition flow.
Lifestyle Resources
Here are some things I use in my life when I want to change direction or need inspiration.

Be aware of your stressors.  They indicate where things need to be different.

Be aware of your fitness.  Your health is a key indicator of your ability to change and be happy.

Be aware of what you want.  Don't let anyone else tell you what you should be doing.  Listen intently to your own heart.

If you are ready to make this up coming year the year to Live Differently, grab the annual Oola planner here.
Oola Life Coaching
Oola - how to balance and grow your life in 7 key areas,
fitness, finance, family, faith, field (career), friends and fun.  (The 7 F's of Oola)

As an Oola Life Coach I have helped over 100 people in the last five years to figure out
Where they are
Where they want to be
How to get there....These are the three steps of Oola.

I offer 8 weeks of one on one instruction and 2 weeks of accountability to help get your life to be balanced and growing with more joy and purpose.

Contact me for a 30 minute info call to see if this is right for you.